Great Stuff on the Writers’ Blogs, June 13, 2012

Happy “hump day,” everyone. The weekend’s just 2+ days away. The first time I lived in Germany, a British DJ I listened to used the tag line, “Never more than five days from the weekend.” Which is true, of course, but in fact we’re never more than THREE days. OK, so sometimes that weekend is behind us. Details, details. What does that have to do with writing? This: emotion. Looking forward to what’s coming, or perhaps wishing for (or regretting!) what’s past. That leads me to:

  • Jo Ann Fore (@JoAnnFore) picks up on this point somewhat in her WordServe Water Cooler post, A Writer’s Flash-Point. While she lists three of her own, there’s an emotional component to each.
  • Ann Aguirre (@MsAnnAguirre) continues the theme, but brings it back to our own need to have joy in what we do in What Fresh Obsession on Writer Unboxed.
  • K. M. Weiland (@KMWeiland) asks on WORDplay, Should You Give Your Antagonist a POV? Hmm. Interesting question. Her answer is, generally, no, unless there’s something compelling about the character, including a possibility for reader sympathy or character change. But really, wouldn’t you want to have an antagonist with those qualities in the first place?
  • And now for something completely different (yet I’ll bet it has a subtle emotional component, too). Joel Friedlander (@jfbookman) discusses some of the details most of us would never suspect when it comes to Picking Fonts for Your Self-Published Book. OK, maybe I’m being a bit of a geek but I found this interesting.
  • One more post related to self-publishing and emotion (in this case, anger) by Victoria Strauss (@victoriastrauss) on Writer Beware (R) Blogs!: Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against PublishAmerica. Writers have been complaining about the way PA has treated them for many years. A trio has now found a way to sue because of it. Stay tuned.

Finally, a correction and apology. In yesterday’s post I referred to a piece by “Joanne Tobrakos.”  What I MEANT for my keyboard to enter was “Joanne Tombrakos” and “@JoanneTombrakos” (notice the m that got left out the first time). Sorry, Joanne! It’s the keyboard’s fault, I’m sure. 🙂